The DIFF Editorial.
DIFF’s Editorial Publication is an online journal devoted to the eclectic discussion and celebration of film. Our vision is a collective one: each of us believes film to be an art form, and believes art to be for everyone. We provide opportunities for casual cinephiles and prospective film journalists alike to cultivate a space in which discourse and serious engagement with film can flourish.
Evident in our body of work is the sheer diversity of the Duke student body: we feature works ranging from musing, critique, and ranking, to review, and even memoir.

Better Call Saul: Regret and Redemption
Regarded as one of the greatest prequel series of all time, AMC’s Better Call Saul makes one final appearance in the limelight as its final six episodes vie for the show’s last shot at an Emmy

The Beauty of…LGBTQ+ Representation in Film and TV
Representation matters. We’ve all heard it, and we all know it to be true. Why, then, does something feel so special about the past few years of LGBTQ+ representation in film and television?

Film Melee: Chazelle the Gazelle
Damien Chazelle. The whole time that I was writing out this piece ‘Chazelle’ kept auto-correcting to ‘a gazelle’. Hmmmm. Not too far off. Damien Chazelle's aesthetic as a director is much like that of a gazelle. He brings a nimble tempo to dilute the weight of all the heavy emotions his characters bring to their story

Film Diary: The Half of It
Just 10 minutes into the 2020 coming-of-age film The Half of It (2020), director Alice Wu already gives away the ending. This isn’t a love story, and the characters don’t get what they want.

Review: Dangerous Liaisons
Throughout the course of modern civilization, where monarchies and strict social class structures prevailed, to achieve the upper echelons of society there was one prerequisite: a strong lineage that was wealthy as well.

Bishal Dutta’s Top 10 Horror Films:
Bishal Dutta is an up-and-coming director whose work has been celebrated at festivals across the globe. As a film student at UC Berkeley, his intimate drama Life in Color—currently available on Amazon Prime—was featured in the Emerging Filmmakers Showcase at the 2018 Cannes Film Festival.

Review: All Quiet on the Western Front & the Modern War Film
The War Movie. The war movie has always been a revered medium, one of the most iconic genres in film. Time and time again we see the genre reinvented, with each director putting a new spin on what a war movie should accomplish.

Recommendation: 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)
Stripped of the constant flow of information that pervades daily life, how could you confirm that the world around you has perished? Dan Trachtenberg’s brilliant film 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016) explores this phenomenon, assisted by the tropes of irrational conspiracy theories, captive and capturer, and conventional apocalyptic cinema.
Meet the Editorial Team