The DIFF Editorial.
DIFF’s Editorial Publication is an online journal devoted to the eclectic discussion and celebration of film. Our vision is a collective one: each of us believes film to be an art form, and believes art to be for everyone. We provide opportunities for casual cinephiles and prospective film journalists alike to cultivate a space in which discourse and serious engagement with film can flourish.
Evident in our body of work is the sheer diversity of the Duke student body: we feature works ranging from musing, critique, and ranking, to review, and even memoir.

Film Melee: Chazelle the Gazelle
Damien Chazelle. The whole time that I was writing out this piece ‘Chazelle’ kept auto-correcting to ‘a gazelle’. Hmmmm. Not too far off. Damien Chazelle's aesthetic as a director is much like that of a gazelle. He brings a nimble tempo to dilute the weight of all the heavy emotions his characters bring to their story
Film Melee: Knights, Vikings, & Mythical Adaptations
Don’t miss the premier of our new Film Melee series, where two films go toe to toe in the ring of analysis. This week: The Northman vs The Green Knight.
Meet the Editorial Team